Equipping The Next Generation!

OPR Youth exists to introduce teenagers to Jesus, nurture them in their faith, and equip them for a lifetime of glorifying God. We encourage our teenagers to invest themselves in the life of our church through participating in the church's weekly Sunday Worship Service, attending Small Groups, developing a time of personal discipleship, and more. OPR Youth is open to middle school and high school students.


A Place For You

We know how important it is for teenagers to have a place to belong, and our goal is to help students connect with God and develop gody friendships with others. On a Sunday, unless serving elsewhere, students are encouraged to come to the main Worship Service in the sanctuary at 11am. Our Student Ministry also meets throughout the month for activities and/or Small Groups. 

OPR STUDENTS: 6th Grade - 12th Grade

Youth Serve

We know teenagers can make a BIG difference in this world and what better place to start than right here at OPR Church. God has placed unique gifts, talents and passions in everyone and we want to see our youth group use their's to make a difference in and out of the church. So whether it's helping with kids, hospitality, music and arts or somewhere else, just find a place to start making a difference today.

Youth Small Group

Middle School and High School stundents are invited to the Youth Small Group which meets Wednesdays at 7pm during a Small Group Semester. This Small Group provides a place for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers to belong, ask questions, play games, pray and discover more about faith. This semester we’re hoping to see students (6th grade – 12th grade) deepen their relationship with God and develop more godly friendships.